From Company Car To Cash   

   From Company Car To Cash   

5 Key Steps

If you're an employer or a company car driver you've probably heard a lot about employers switching to 'grey' fleets instead of providing company cars, or employees swapping company cars for cash allowances.

But how do you get from a company car to cash?

Well, we've put together two simple guides, one for employers and one for drivers, explaining how to swap from company cars to cash.

The first guide is for employers. To get started on your business's journey from company cars to cash allowances just click on the links below:


We explain how to put together a cash allowance offer including:
  • Identify the cash allowances required
  • Calculate if cost savings are possible
  • Create an offer to company car drivers
  • Transition the change
  • Manage your grey fleet

Get Started


We explain how to put together a cash allowance offer including:
  • Identify the cash allowances required
  • Calculate if cost savings are possible
  • Create an offer to company car drivers
  • Transition the change
  • Manage your grey fleet

Get Started

The second guide is for employees, gets company car drivers ready to switch to a cash allowance and explains what to do when once you made the swap:


We take you through the switch from car to cash in simple steps:
  • Understanding your employer's offer
  • Calculating the cash impact on you
  • Choosing the right car and finance
  • Managing your own car
  • Claiming tax relief on your cash allowance

Get Started


We take you through the switch from car to cash in simple steps:
  • Understanding your employer's offer
  • Calculating the cash impact on you
  • Choosing the right car and finance
  • Managing your own car
  • Claiming tax relief on your cash allowance

Get Started

Contact Us

Whether you're a personal buyer, fleet operator or company car driver we have the most advanced tools you could ever need to help you choose your next new car or van.

From vehicle technical data to advice on buying or leasing, it's all here waiting for you.

So dive right in, or why not get in touch?

You never know what else we might know ....

   0333 444 0400

(+44 1792 224319 from outside the UK)


0330 444 0400
(+44 1792 224319 outside UK)

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