Compare Car Prices, Standard Equipment, Options And Specifications

About Our Car Comparison Tool

With our car comparison tool you can view up to 10 cars side-by-side on a range of data.

You can see car prices, car depreciation, car maintenance and fuel costs, company car benefit calculations and company car tax, car technical specifications and standard equipment all side by side for each selected car.

In the Help section you'll see more information about how to compare cars and details about the data you can see in the comparison tables - click on the '?' button in the top right corner of the screen.

Click on the menu button  in the top left corner to see more car options.

Getting Started

To get started, just choose how long you will keep the car, then your annual mileage, then pick your first car.

The 'Add to List' button will appear and you can then repeat this process with each car you want to compare.

After you have added at least two cars the 'Compare' button will appear; just click on it to see the comparison.





Getting Started

To compare cars side-by-side you need to:

  1. Choose how long you expect to keep the car
  2. Select your typical annual mileage
  3. Choose the manufacturer, then model range and derivative you want to see
  4. Click on the 'Add to List' button to include the car in the comparison
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each car you want to add to the comparison

You can repeat steps 3 and 4 for up to 10 cars in total.

Once you have selected at least two cars you can then compare them side-by-side - just click on the 'Compare' button.

To clear your vehicle selections click on the 'Reset' button


We'll display the manufacturer's published:

  • List Price
  • Delivery Charges (if any)
  • The Initial Tax Disc ('vehicle excise duty') for the car
  • The statutory first registration fee
  • The total 'On-The-Road-Price' of the car
  • The second year tax disc ('vehicle excise duty')
  • The fuel type of the car


We'll display the forecast total depreciation of the car from the manufacturer's List Price over your selected term/total mileage including:

  • List Price
  • Forecast residual value or 'resale' price of the car
  • Forecast depreciation from List Price over the term/total mileage
  • The residual value's percentage of the List Price after your term and total mileage

Running Costs

We'll display the forecast running costs of your car over your selected term/total mileage, also known as servicing, maintenance and mechanical repair (or 'SMR') costs) including:

You can compare cars with an internal combustion engine (including hybrids) and electric cars side-by-side.

We will then show the typical fuel costs for both types of car, so you may see blanks in some of the columns where the data doesn't apply.

For example, there may be blanks in the 'Battery Capacity' column if you select a car with an internal combustion engine or a hybrid.

Company Car Benefit

You can check the company car benefit or company car tax for each selected car, including the factors that impact on company car benefit and company car tax such as:

Technical Specifications

You can compare the technical specifications for each car across a wide range of details including:

  • Performance (top speed, 0-62mph time, engine power, etc)
  • Emissions such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide output for combustion engines
  • The engine and gearbox configuration
  • Fuel consumption for combustion engine cars ('TEL' values measure at the lowest number of opions, 'TEH' at the highest number of options)
  • Battery range and recharge times for electric cars
  • Wheel and tyre sizes
  • Dimensions for length, height, width, etc
  • Vehicle weights and towing capabilities
  • Safety ratings from NCAP for combustion engine and electric cars
  • The manufacturer's warranty years/mileage limits for the vehicle

Standard Equipment

We have summarised the typical standard equipment lists of cars so that you can compare cars side-by-side.

We show whether or not the equipment is provided as standard in the price of the car or is an optional extra.

Where the item is standard you will see a '' in the table. Where the item isn't standard we display a '-' symbol.

Sometimes the item may only be available as part of a pack of options (e.g. bluetooth, satellite navigation and a head-up display) in which case we display the 'pack' price rather than individual option prices).

Standard equipment is displayed under the categories:

  • Comfort (air conditioning/climate control, air suspension, etc)
  • Safety (airbags, collision avoidance braking, etc)
  • Security (alarm, immobiliser, etc)
  • Entertainment (DVD player, bluetooth interface, etc)
  • Exterior features (alloy wheels, electrically adjustable door mirrors, etc)

Detailed Running Costs

You can also see detailed car running costs in our comparator for petrol, diesel, hybrid and electric cars, including pesonalised costs where you can change the car's price and fuel costs to your own prices.

Contact Us

Whether you're a personal buyer, fleet operator or company car driver we have the most advanced tools you could ever need to help you choose your next new car.

From vehicle technical data to advice on buying or leasing, it's all here waiting for you.

So dive right in, or why not get in touch?

You never know what else we might know ....

   0333 444 0400

(+44 1482 772553 from outside the UK)


0330 444 0400
(+44 1482 772553 outside UK)